Letting Go, Letting God: It Always Hits Hard

Letting Go, Letting God: It Always Hits Hard

Celyn Barredo

God is teaching me over and over to let go. The kind of letting go that oftentimes bring me to my knees, full surrender one. The letting go that allows me to trust Him, trust His heart and His plans.

It's not as easy as it sounds. It's a natural thing for us humans to be always wanting to take control and take charge of our lives. More often than not, we fail. We face series of challenges and difficulties that usually lead to confusion. Circumstances overwhelm us and cloud our judgements.

Life, in its entirety, hurls challenges our way, irrespective of our endeavors. There are moments when years of diligent effort can seemingly dissipate in an instant, whether due to miscalculations, mere failure, or, for some, the sting of betrayal.

In the tumult of life's chaos, there will inevitably be a stretch and pivotal move demanding our resilience - where the choice between surrendering to adversity or summoning the strength to rise, rebuild, and endure becomes paramount.

At times, life takes us into a relentless whirl, a ceaseless orbit that seems to return us incessantly to familiar grounds. In these moments, the outrage of dwindling options and the grasp of stagnant progress fosters us, as if we're not getting anywhere.

We find comfort in what the Bible says in Romans 8:31, "What shall we then say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?". And in 2 Timothy 1:7, which says, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind".

In our walk through life, we will meet special people whom we wouldn’t expect to stay. God will place these individuals in our lives to help us on our faith journey through certain seasons. Whether for friendship, companionship, mentorship, or accountability, God will use them to shape us. We will learn from each other, experience difficulties together, and overcome them together.

It is important to be patient and always reflect on our thought patterns, emotions, and actions toward each other and every person we encounter. Be self-aware at all times and be intentional in our speech, actions, and kindness towards others. However, also be careful in assessing whom to trust and learn from.

As Christians guided by the Holy Spirit, our discernment about a person is crucial and should not be taken for granted. We must give it the time it needs, as time often reveals someone's true intentions. Trusting our discernment and allowing time to unveil the truth will help us make wiser decisions in our relationships.

There will be long, dreadful moments when it feels like you're in the valley, but trust that God will direct your path. Stick to your journey. Faithfully and continually seek God’s guidance, and check in daily to ensure you are on the right path, God’s chosen path for you. We must spend quality time with Him through prayer and fasting if needed to discern and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s call. He is our help and navigator. God will guide us and send help along the way. We thank Jesus for this.

The mindset to adopt is that the challenges you are facing now serve two main purposes:

  1. They bring you closer to God, fostering a deeper relationship, growing your faith, and helping you discover your purpose.
  2. God is changing and molding you into the likeness of Jesus. He is transforming your mindset, imparting wisdom, and reshaping your heart's desires. He is fine-tuning you and developing your character.


By understanding these purposes, we can traverse our trials with greater clarity and trust in God's plan. Just let go and let God.

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